Contributor News

Your Impossible Voice 2022 Best of the Net Nominees

We are proud to nominate these extraordinary pieces from issues 25 and 26.





About Best of the Net

The Best of the Net is an awards-based anthology designed to grant a platform to a diverse and growing collection of writers and publishers who are building an online literary landscape that seeks to break free of traditional publishing. This space has been created to bring greater respect to the continually expanding world of exceptional digital publishing.

LSD #1 by Marta Zubieta

Cover to Best of the Net 2022 by Marta Zubieta’s “LSD #1”

Contributor News: Heather Mackey

Heather Mackey (reviews of Anne Marie Wirth Cauchon’s Nothing and Rodigo Rey Rosa’s Severina)will be reading from her debut novel DreamwoodThursday October 16, 6 Lit on the Lake as part of LitquakeLake ChaletGondola Room1520 Lakeside DriveOakland, CA

Three New Stories by Cristina Vega

Cristina Vega has new work appearing in Body Parts Magazine, Bird's Thumb, and Person Suit, an anthology from Dreaming Big Publications. Cristina's story "Neither/Nor" appeared in Your Impossible Voice #8, Summer 2015.

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