May 8, 2023


By Kathryn Silver-Hajo
Photo by photos_by_ginny on

When Norm started to tumble, one by one his friends fell away. Mister Storm Cloud, some said. Prefers his rabbit hole others declared. Tara knew they didn’t get it, found a way to tumble with him while tethered to a blooming cherry tree, hopeful they’d spring back up together someday.

About the Author

Kathryn Silver-HajoKathryn Silver-Hajo is a 2023 Pushcart Prize, Best Small Fictions, and Best American Food Writing nominee. Her stories appear or are forthcoming in Atticus Review, The Citron Review, CRAFT, Emerge Literary Journal, New Flash Fiction Review, Pithead Chapel, Ruby Literary, and others. Kathryn’s flash collection Wolfsong and novel Roots of The Banyan Tree are forthcoming in 2023. She reads for Fractured Lit. More at:;;

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