Issue 27 | Fall 2022

Panthera onca

Jasleena Grewal

There is no freedom anymore for us who are fragments of mystery, there is no way out for returning to oneself, to the stone of oneself, no other stars remain except the sea.
     —Pablo Neruda

A jaguar, like a child, indicates the health of a system. It is a keystone. In this pulse place—its body estuarine, current with blood—a jaguar plays like a cat and yolks her hunts. Careful you meet her eyes lest your slumber require your body to marionette itself into surrender; they starve your god-self: false and clamoring. A newborn’s breath willed her coat as passage from twilight to black. It gleams like sharkskin and machetes as so—the sinew passing of spine machining forward, as if by toy train tracks. Her gait peaks and troughs in quiet forest steadily thrumming, earmarked with the lilt of birds.

Here, your self sloughs off.

Her body a morpheme of night, portaled like the Bermuda sky. Each hair is a semaphore to that beyond, a constellation story forming with each step. In compassion and theta wave, children read her legends. Perseus and Draco glimmer like a gossamer net on a face of her coat, forming at the sacroiliac crest.

Each point is a jewel. When little girls go to dream, stars guide themselves towards us in the deep-set dark; the jaguar trounces forward.

About the Author

Jasleena Grewal practices psychiatry in Seattle. She is interested in developing surrealism in her writing. In her professional and personal life, she tries to source her insights from a place of observance and amorality.

Issue 27 Cover Art


Nonie in Excelsis (Excerpt from About Ed) Robert Glück

Dirk Julia Kohli, translated by Rob Myatt

Panthera onca Jasleena Grewal

The Border Solomon Samson

Tikibik Dominic Blewett

Mistake or Accident Laurie Stone

Excerpt from Mice 1961 Stacey Levine

The Cathedral of Desire Nina Schuyler

The Gorge James Warner

In This Case, He Killed an Innocent Person Carla Bessa, translated by Elton Uliana

A Chinese Temple in California Alvin Lu


you have become an archive. Lorelei Bacht

On the Things I Did at the End of the World Beatriz Rocha, translated by Grant Schutzman

April I Réka Nyitrai
April II

In this movie David C. Hall

Spot Rolla Barraq, translated by Muntather Alsawad and Jeffrey Clapp

Let There Exist For Us… Eva-Maria Sher

That I Would Cameron Morse

Cover Art

Image 001 Richard Hanus

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