April 16, 2024

Night at St. Pierre Hospital 2020

By Angeline Schellenberg
She keeps close to the courtyard window she came through, her ears tuned to nurses’ flats slapping down the hallway. Her brother’s shaky hand reaches across the tray for a water glass. Floating above his heaving ribs, she searches the room for things to ground her: his name on the whiteboard, the sac of pink urine weighing down his bed. She observes his watch orbiting his wrist like Saturn’s rings. She’s become a spacewalker. She’s forgotten her mask, her shoes, her age.

About the Author

Angeline SchellenbergAngeline Schellenberg wrote Tell Them It Was Mozart (Brick, 2016), Fields of Light and Stone (UAP, 2020), and Mondegreen Riffs (At Bay, 2024). Her work was selected for Best Microfiction 2024. She is a contemplative spiritual director and host of the Speaking Crow open mic in Winnipeg, Canada.

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