Issue 27 | Fall 2022

Mistake or Accident

Laurie Stone

I gave a man I loved a mug, a silk shirt, and a copy of Baudelaire. In time he became better at sex. After he left me, I saw him at a memorial service and wondered if he still had the shirt, the mug, the copy of Baudelaire. He was wearing a suit the color of a peach that was too tight for him and rode up his arms and legs. I kept looking away.

A cyclist took a spill off his bike in Bushwick. He sat on the curb, checking his palms for damage. A passerby offered him an Advil. He looked up and said, “Got a Xanax?”

The neighbor across from where we lived had a kind face and hard skin. I helped her plant bulbs around her small house. When I would see her, I would run to her, and she would pull me to her. We kneeled in the soil, planting gladiolus, tulips, hyacinths, and daffodils. There were dark grains on her leathery hands. We separated baby bulbs from mother bulbs, and I planted them at my house. My mother and the neighbor said hello. I don’t remember much more. My mother got dressed every day as if she had somewhere to go.

“The history of the world is none other than the progress of the consciousness of freedom,” wrote Hegel in 1805, in “Lectures on The Philosophy of History.” This brought to mind 1968, when I thought it would always be 1968.

Picture of a tatoo on a wrist

About the Author

Laurie StoneLaurie Stone is author of six books, most recently Streaming Now, Postcards from the Thing that is Happening (2022) and Everythig is Personal, Notes on Now (2020). She was a long-time writer at the Village Voice and wrote for The Nation and Fresh Air.

Issue 27 Cover Art


Nonie in Excelsis (Excerpt from About Ed) Robert Glück

Dirk Julia Kohli, translated by Rob Myatt

Panthera onca Jasleena Grewal

The Border Solomon Samson

Tikibik Dominic Blewett

Mistake or Accident Laurie Stone

Excerpt from Mice 1961 Stacey Levine

The Cathedral of Desire Nina Schuyler

The Gorge James Warner

In This Case, He Killed an Innocent Person Carla Bessa, translated by Elton Uliana

A Chinese Temple in California Alvin Lu


you have become an archive. Lorelei Bacht

On the Things I Did at the End of the World Beatriz Rocha, translated by Grant Schutzman

April I Réka Nyitrai
April II

In this movie David C. Hall

Spot Rolla Barraq, translated by Muntather Alsawad and Jeffrey Clapp

Let There Exist For Us… Eva-Maria Sher

That I Would Cameron Morse

Cover Art

Image 001 Richard Hanus

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