

by Kevin McIlvoy

From Your Impossible Voice #25

Gillian Parrish
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Sarah Sorensen has most recently been published in Monkey Bicycle, Black Heart Magazine, and Skin to Skin. She holds an M.A. in English from Central Michigan University and is currently completing a second M.A. in Film Theory. Her work is forthcoming from Whiskey...

Contributor News: Maureen Alsop

Maureen Alsop (“Papery Bewick Swans/1956 Buick Super,” Issue 3) has new poetry forthcoming in the journals DIAGRAM, burnt district, Superstition Review, Glint, Thirteen Mynah Birds, and in the anthology Songs for a Passbook Torch. She has also reviewed Brian Teare's...
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Monica Macansantos reads The Day I Was a Comfort Woman

Monica Macansantos earned her MFA in Fiction Writing from the Michener Center for Writers at the University of Texas. A graduate of the University of the Philippines, her work has appeared or is forthcoming in The Masters Review, Five Quarterly, TAYO Literary...

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