Arkava Das lives in Delhi with his wife, Nidhi, and his father. Most of his work owes something to bilingualism ā a condition that frequently involves balancing two possible worlds ā a Will Alexander with a Joy Goswami, a Vasubandhu with a Guattari. He has some work...
Mark Jackley is the author of several chapbooks and two full-length collections, most recently Hello Hello Hello (Blurb Press). His work has appeared in Tampa Review, Melic, Crate, Talking River, Sugar House Review, and other journals. He lives in Sterling, Virginia.
Christopher Kondrich is the author of Contrapuntal (Parlor Press, 2013) and a recipient of The Paris-American Reading Series Prize. New poems appear or are forthcoming in American Letters & Commentary, Boston Review, Colorado Review, cream city review, Guernica,...