June 6, 2023

Going, Going, Gone

By Amy Marques

Photo by Grant Durr on Unsplash

Are they still with us?

I hear myself say they are gone. Even as I say it, I know I am wrong. Is anyone ever truly gone?

But though I hold fast to memory as presence, as existence, I am confronted with my own departures.

Where is the me with unblemished skin, untarnished soul, unbruised story? Where is the me who summersaults over grass, certain her arms will hold, her body land whole? Where is the me with perfect vision, confidently reading small print and driving at dark?

Where is the me with answers?

Going. Going. Gone. 

About the Author

Amy MarquesAmy Marques grew up between languages and places and learned, from an early age, the multiplicity of narratives. She penned children’s books, barely read medical papers, and numerous letters before turning to short fiction and visual poetry. She is a Pushcart Prize, Best Small Fictions, and Best of the Net nominee and has work published in journals and anthologies including Streetcake Magazine, MoonPark Review, Bending Genres, Gone Lawn, Ghost Parachute, Chicago Quarterly Review, and Reservoir Road Literary Review. You can read more at https://amybookwhisperer.wordpress.com.

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