March 3, 2024


By Sarp Sozdinler
Photo by Tim Mossholder on

I went into the woods as a man and came back as a tree. My arms are gnarly and twisting like a branch. My feet are root-like. My heart is bark. I stand facing the back of some houses and I whistle to them through the wind. On a good day, a kid runs by where I’m rooted in the woods. He asks me what it feels like to be a tree, and I tell him that it’s hard. That it feels more finite somehow than being a human, yet more grounded in life. Come nighttime, a barred owl perches on my topmost branch, which is part of my hair now. She caresses my ears with its hoot. In the distance, behind a fluff of underbrush, the silhouette of some foxes is imprinted against the black belly of the woods, and I like to think they are here for the owl, waiting for the right time to devour it whole. The hair on my neck shudders through my leaves. I hold hands with the neighboring tree. I think of Fern, how she ran into the woods one day and never returned. How she remains buried at my feet. How I can still feel her breathing.

About the Author

Sarp SozdinlerA writer of Turkish descent, Sarp Sozdinler has been published in Electric Literature, Kenyon Review, Masters Review, DIAGRAM, Normal School, Vestal Review, Hobart, Maudlin House, and American Literary Review, among other places. His stories have been selected or nominated for anthologies (Pushcart Prize, Best of the Net, Best Small Fictions, Wigleaf Top 50) and awarded a finalist status at various literary contests, including the 2022 Los Angeles Review Flash Fiction Award. He’s currently at work on his first novel in Philadelphia and Amsterdam:

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