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Geraldine Connolly reads “Spider”

Geraldine Connolly reads "Spider" appearing in Your Impossible Voice #17. Geraldine Connolly is the author of three poetry collections, Food for the Winter, Province of Fire, and Hand of the Wind. Her new book, Aileron, will be published by Terrapin Books in 2018. Her...

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Jessica Kirzane reads “Mutual Consent”

Jessica Kirzane reads her translation of "Mutual Consent," an excerpt from Diary of a Lonely Girl by Miriam Karpilov. Miriam Karpilov (1888-1956) was born in Minsk and immigrated to America in 1905, settling in New York City and in Bridgeport, CT, where several of her...

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Jari Niesner reads “slim shadows”

Ulrike Almut Sandig was born in Großenhain (GDR) in 1979 and now lives with her family in Berlin. She started publishing her poetry by pasting poems onto lamp posts in Leipzig and spreading them on flyers and free post cards. After completing her Magister in Religious...

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Padma Prasad reads “Ice”

Padma Prasad is a writer and painter who writes pictures and paints narratives. Her fiction has appeared in Eclectica, The Looseleaf Tea, Reading Hour, ETA, The Boiler Journal, Bindweed Magazine, Pilcrow & Dagger, and Fine Flu Journal. She blogs her poem drawings...

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Nina Schuyler reads an excerpt from “Pixie”

Nina Schuyler is the author of the award-winning novel, The Translator. Her first novel, The Painting, was nominated for the Northern California Book Award and was named a “Year’s Finest Best Book” by the San Francisco Chronicle. She teaches creative writing at the...

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Marlin M. Jenkins reads “The Cancer”

Marlin M. Jenkins was born and raised in Detroit and is a poetry student in University of Michigan’s MFA program. His writings have been given homes by The Collagist, The Journal, Word Riot, and The Offing, among others. You can find him online at...

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Carlo Matos reads “Vanity” / “Vaidade”

Florbela Espanca was a firebrand and a precursor of the feminist movement in Portugal. When few women were attending university, she managed to graduate with a literature degree in 1917 and then became the first woman to enroll in law school at the University of...

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Elizabeth Savage reads If your boy leads

Elizabeth Savage is author of Jane & Paige or Sister Goose (2011), Grammar (2012), and Idylliad (2015), all from Furniture Press Books. The current issue of Verse features her dossier-chapbook of twenty-six poems, titled Woman Looking at a Vase of Flowers. Her...

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Christopher Kondrich reads OUR NAMES

Christopher Kondrich is the author of Contrapuntal (Parlor Press, 2013) and a recipient of The Paris-American Reading Series Prize. New poems appear or are forthcoming in American Letters & Commentary, Boston Review, Colorado Review, cream city review, Guernica,...

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Christopher Kondrich reads STICHOMANCY

Christopher Kondrich is the author of Contrapuntal (Parlor Press, 2013) and a recipient of The Paris-American Reading Series Prize. New poems appear or are forthcoming in American Letters & Commentary, Boston Review, Colorado Review, cream city review, Guernica,...

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Darren C. Demaree reads Emily As Cold Tea

Darren C. Demaree is living in Columbus, Ohio, with his wife and children. He is the author of As We Refer To Our Bodies (2013) and Not For Art Nor Prayer (2014), both collections from 8th House Publishing House. He is the recipient of two Pushcart Prize nominations...

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My Art Life 1 By Gregg Williard

Gregg Williard and Kelly Warren read My Art Life 1 by Gregg Williard. Animation by Gregg Williard, Audio Producer Kelly Warren at Mind’s Eye Audio.

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Colin Dodds reads four Spill-O Poems

Colin Dodds grew up in Massachusetts and completed his education in New York City. His poetry has appeared in more than a hundred and seventy publications and has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize. He is also the author of several novels, including WINDFALL and...

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Phyllis Brotherton reads Ice Storm, 2001

Phyllis Brotherton has a long career accounting for things. A late blooming writer, she received her MA in Creative Nonfiction in 2000 from Fresno State University and is currently a 3rd year MFA student there. Her work has appeared in the online journals Pithead...

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E. J. Evans reads A Story about Winter

E. J. Evans is a poet and essayist living in Cazenovia, New York.  His work has been published in Confrontation, Poetry East, The Midwest Quarterly, Hazmat Lit Review, and other literary journals.  He is currently at work on a book of autobiographical essays.

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Johnathan Harper reads Dinner for the Ducks

Johnathan Harper lives in Syracuse, New York, where he stays well away from duck ponds. He has been published in The Queer South: Essays and Poems, Hawai'i Pacific Review, Small Por[t]ions, etc. His chapbook Airplanes to Nowhere was a finalist in The Burnside Review's...

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Elizabeth Savage reads When in Autumn

Elizabeth Savage is author of Jane & Paige or Sister Goose (2011), Grammar (2012), and Idylliad (2015), all from Furniture Press Books. The current issue of Verse features her dossier-chapbook of twenty-six poems, titled Woman Looking at a Vase of Flowers. Her...

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New videos by Maureen Alsop

Maureen Alsop has completed a 4-part short-video series.The first, “Sweepspear,” features an excerpt from “Papery Bewick Swans/1956 Buick Super,” which was first published in Your Impossible Voice 3.The second, “Terrestris,” was posted at YIV in April.Parts 3 and 4...

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Monica Macansantos reads The Day I Was a Comfort Woman

Monica Macansantos earned her MFA in Fiction Writing from the Michener Center for Writers at the University of Texas. A graduate of the University of the Philippines, her work has appeared or is forthcoming in The Masters Review, Five Quarterly, TAYO Literary...

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Peter Burzynski reads Emeralds and Olives

Peter Burzynski is a first-year PhD student in Creative Writing-Poetry at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. He holds a BA from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, an MFA in Poetry from The New School University, and an MA in Polish Literature from Columbia...

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Racquel Goodison reads Night Music

Racquel Goodison is an Assistant Professor of English at the Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY. She has been a resident at Yaddo and the Saltonstall Arts Colony, as well as a recipient of the Astraea Emerging Lesbian Writer’s Grant and a scholarship to the...

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Michael du Plessis reads The Jeweler

Michael du Plessis is the author of the novel The Memoirs of JonBenet by Kathy Acker (Les Figues, 2012) and the chapbook Songs Dead Soldiers Sing (Chicago: Transparent Tiger Press, 2007).  His creative work has appeared in Narrativity, LitNet, and NatBrut, and with...

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Bind yourself to us with your impossible voice, your voice! sole soother of this vile despair.

—Arthur Rimbaud, “Phrases

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